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Public Garden

Popular Projects

In addition to my academic projects, I also took part in several projects for the general public as a contributor, editor and academic advisor. Below is a partial list of them.


The World Bible Challenge

The World Bible Challenge is a platform for teaching various Bible topics through gamification. It offers a learning method which appeals to today's youth by using their language and their tools in a way that encourages learning.

I am the academic advisor for a printed edition of the biblical books that is being made as part of this enterprise.

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Rabbi Dr. Yoel Bin Nun, Mikraot (2 vols.; 2017-2018)

Mikraot, of which I'm one of the editors, is a multidisciplinary enterprise that deals with the fundamental interpretation of the Torah in several sections: Midrash; Linguistics; History; geography; archaeology; and more. Two volumes, on parashot Yitro and Mishpatim, have been published so far.


This Bible-study website from Herzog College contains numerous articles, lessons and tools on the Hebrew Bible. Dozens of my contributions can be found in the Hebrew version of the website.

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The Koren Tanakh Zion (2017)

A Bible edition with numerous visual aids, on some of which I worked: cross-reference notations in the margins to highlight textual connections; a variety of charts that clarify textual concepts, relationships and historical chronology; images of archaeological findings, and more.


The Koren Tanakh of the Land of Israel: Exodus (2020)

This volume on the book of Exodus, edited by David Arnovitz, fuses extraordinary findings by modern scholars on the ancient Near East with the original Hebrew text and a brand-new English translation by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks. As one of the contributors, I wrote several entries in this volume.

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